Fossil Filtered Brew?
As originally reported by, breweries are always trying to do something original or unique to distinguish themselves from the competition. Whether it’s using a particular hop, aging in oak barrels, or adding fruit, breweries are always trying to do something different. Most beer goes through a filtration process, but at Kangaroo Island Brewery in Australia, they’re doing something you couldn’t imagine: filtering beer through dinosaur fossils. Well, kind of.
The beer is filtered through 500 million-year-old rock shale from Kangaroo Island. The island is prime dinosaur-bone finding territory, with paleontologists finding everything from marine life to a mysterious fossilized eye. Brewery owner Mike Holden told the Australian press his thought process behind the brewery’s paleontological experiment: “We just thought for this one, why not let millions of years of shale rock speak for itself and see what comes through.” And to add a bit of a pun to this unique filtration process, the beer is aptly named Shale Ale.
Published on September 22, 2017